Sunday, January 24, 2010

Basketball in the Bush

This is my bed from last night and for tonight. It is located in Colleen's classroom.

Why would I want to sleep in the school? Let me tell you:

During basketball season, a lot of the athletic budgets for any school go towards travel. In the lower 48, you might take a bus to your game and be gone probably no more than 6 hours. Here, if they're going to spend the money, they are going to make it worth it - meaning a weekend of basketball.

Usually, we try to split the cost of the plane with our opponites. The first weekend of the season the plane came and got our girls team, brought them to Stebbins, where it picked up the boys team and brought them here. Vice-versa on the way back, and the two schools split the cost. Due to teams forfiting because of numbers or any number of other reasons, it can't always work out like that, however.

So, this weekend, our boys headed to Unalakleet and the White Mountain girls' basketball team came here. White Mountain arrived here Friday morning, they played a game Friday evening and Saturday evening, and leave Sunday morning. The players and coach sleep in the classrooms. We get enough itinerant people in and out that we have a few matresses for this purpose, and some of the girls brought their own air matresses. Only one or two girls had to be on the floor.

This is all fine and dandy, except for their coach is a male. Mike cannot sleep in a classroom with 8 teenage girls. So, I was approached by our athletic director to chaperone the girls for $50 a night. Sounds good to me.

So here I am, sitting in Colleen's room at 11:03 on a Saturday night. It's cool though. It's not the first time I've done it (Volleyball season, Golovin), and it probably won't be the last. Unless I have a prior commitment, I will probably agree everytime.

My job was totally easy this time, too. Mike is a teacher in White Mountain, and actually was in Shishmaref for many years as well too. He keeps them pretty under control. He has a bedtime for them, and will personally come shut off the lights. So I don't have to worry about any of that. He seems really fun too, so he's easy for the girls to respect.

So anyway, I think I'll go change into my pajamas and brush my teeth, and get ready for another night in the school!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Colleen figured out how to put pictures on Blogspot again! She shared this info with me, and I am no longer mad at Blogspot.

Basic update:

The day I was supposed to fly out of Ohio back to Shishmaref, I got super sick. Probably H1N1. So, I paid over $400 to change my plane tickets, and I had to use a sick day because I got back a day late. But, I guess things could've been worse. You would think that they would be happy that I didn't fly with Swine Flu, but I guess it doesn't matter that I was socially responsible.

Julie was here from the District Office this week. It is always nice to have her around.

Colleen and I watched the entire Season 4 of House this weekend, Friday to Monday. In our defense, it was the short season because of the Writers' Strike. Colleen ordered Season 5 from, so we're waiting on that.

I have actually had really good attendance this week at school. 12 or 13 kids almost everyday - compared to my usual 6-10. I have 17 (was 19, but 2 are gone) enrolled, so it's still not great, but it's a start!!

And, I will add a picture - just because I can :)

This is Sharla and me on Tuesday, playing with PhotoBooth. Sharla is in 2nd grade, and her cousin Vivian is in my class.

This weekend I will try and go back to older posts and add pictures, now that I can again.
